We help landlords connect with our trusted partners to create reliable, beneficial partnerships.
Our dedicated team leverages strong relationships with housing providers and private managers across the sector, enabling the securement of long-term agreements.
Even helping landlords with empty properties, whether they are houses, HMOs, or blocks of apartments, transition to stability by securing leases with reputable housing providers. We ensure mutually beneficial arrangements that maximize property utilization while addressing critical housing needs.
ABOUT USProperties are leased on fully managed, repaired and insured terms, meaning the housing operator handles tenants’ placement, maintenance and rent collection.
Landlords can expect guaranteed rent and great yields making social housing an attractive, low-risk opportunity in today’s market.
With high demand for social housing and long-term leases backed by government and care providers, landlords benefit from a reliable income stream.
We’re always looking for landlords who have suitable properties for housing and care providers. If you’d like to find out more, contact one of our team.
If there is anything you would like to discuss confidentially, one of our team of experts would be more than happy to help.
contact us